Tuesday 1 September 2009

Autumn is on its way

It just poured outside...and its the first day of September which probably means the onset of Autumn. Dread.

People are often asked: 'What's your favourite season?', and I've never really been able to decide. Does this make me indecisive? I don't know, but then I think every season has its advantages. I like Spring because its my birthday then, its an often quiet time of year with no other big birthdays I know around then, Easter, and although it usually rains you can also smell this whole renewal thing going on in the air. The birds fly back north, the other animals are coming out of hibernation, there are cute little ducklings out on the pond, and there are bright yellow daffodils everywhere. Spring also means the next season is Summer...something to look forward to. Kind of like the 'It's Friday!'-feeling. I don't like Sundays, because its the day before Monday. Its been a great summer in London this year with perfect weather but some people don't like it. Warm weather makes it harder to get things done, there's all the extra grooming requirements for girls and the pressure that some people put themselves under to get into skimpy summer outfits. But everyone appears happier, smiling and are wearing brighter clothes which seems to have a knock-on effect.

Autumn means Winter. And this year there is no 'back to school' either. I'm all for the pretty colours of the leaves and I don't mind cold weather, but I don't like rain and cold, unless its been desert-like for days. Oh, and the grey gloom that settles over London. That's depressing although very productive for work...if one has a job. The black clothing comes out and people are hit with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). But Winter also means lots of birthdays and the festive season - Christmas (food and presents!) and New Years Eve (parties). Additionally, there's nothing better than staying home on the weekends curled up in bed or with a movie/book when its rubbish outside.

The sun has just come back out. Its not over til its over I say!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting article. I don't like winter and I always seem to dread it when September and then October comes around the corner. I hope to live in a warm climate soon where I won't have to worry about those long dark and cold nights.
