Wednesday, 26 August 2009

How is it possible to be bored?

Boredom = "the feeling of being bored by something tedious" (

Well, thanks for that enlightening definition!
People can be bored from doing nothing tedious?

I was thinking about boredom today as I have a few unemployed friends who complain of this sorry state. I came to the conclusion that its almost impossible to be bored today.

Nevermind the job searching, there are still many things I have to do, namely:

1) Start practising the piano again as I'd like to re-take my Grade 8 exam at some stage

2) Get through a bunch of photoshop tutorials as there is so much to learn

3) Get through my library of unread books - I'd say its reduced to about a quarter unread at the moment

4) Edit some photos from my first fashion shoot I took last week

5) Improve my marketing knowledge - revise things I've learnt which have been forgotten, learn about web analytics

6) Get working on photography projects, general learning of my D90 - technical stuff

7) Practice my Spanish or rather, re-learn it

8) Learn French - get through this audiobook course thing as a basic grounding (I don't want to go to France without knowing the language)

9) Get my foot healed quick so I can re-sign up to the gym

10) Catch up with friends (which I've really slacked on)

11) Learn how to cook awesome things

12) Re-study Geography and Biology (in case I ever do get to become one of these wildlife people)

13) Take pictures of and list a million things on eBay to make some cash

14) Stay updated on World news

15) Write blogs about random things

I know these are very personal goals specific to me but doesn't everyone have things they want to achieve and/or be better at?

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