Friday, 25 September 2009
Gutted - water filter bottle
I'm gutted!
This was the bright idea I had last year in Small Business Management class...the filter built into a bottle, reducing plastic waste and therefore better for the environment. I just didn't have the technical and scientific knowledge to try and develop it into something worth patenting fast enough.
Oh well, this guy developed it with a bigger cause in mind (halting the spread of diseases in developing countries) so I can't feel too bad. There are probably thousands of lives which will now be saved because of this for the commercial market in developed countries, its something I think could replace the need for buying bottled water.
Check it out, it really is great:
At least its nice to know I have good ideas!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
The ball has started rolling (slowly)
More charity shop finds!
River Island couture top = £2.50 (worn to a fashion show and party within a day of purchase)
Christopher Lee autobiography: = £1.00 (brilliant actor!)
Its a great time to visit right now as we're in a seasonal transition where all the spring/summer wardrobes are being cleared to make way for the new arrivals :) I went to Chelsea over the weekend to see the Thrive! exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery which was great and very inspiring. But on the subject of Chelsea, does anyone know of any good charity shops in that area? I figure its going to be a new haunt of mine.
***Latest job news: PROGRESS***
Thanks to some friendly help I now have a temp job in the International department of a place I used to work and very excited about the prospect of having an income again, if only until Dec. This means I probably won't have to physically create/make my Christmas presents this year...although I've since been told this is a preferred option for some. Wow, tomorrow it will be exactly 3 months to the day!
I've also been invited for my first 'real' job interview in the first week of Oct...for a six-month Research internship I applied for at the Red Cross head offices in London. It is only expenses paid but seeing as I haven't had any other real prospects, i.e. progressed past the application stage to date from other unpaid internships (let alone permanent paid roles) I take this as a very good sign of things getting slightly better. In the meantime I'm still on the lookout for grad jobs in Marketing...the positive of having a temp job now is that I've bought myself a couple more months to not feel pressured into taking anything non-career directed. Tomorrow I'm off to the QS Diversity job forum/exhibition - I'm really keen to get onto the L'oreal Management Training Scheme.
***Latest non-visit: PHYSIO***
I cancelled my last optional appointment because as much as I loved going I decided the gym was a better option. Feeling much better for it! Circuit Training today was was just me and five guys - I think that may have made me work harder. Oh and I have conquered my fear of the treadmill, haven't yet fallen off :) touch wood
And on a kind of related topic - health?, I've gone off chicken donar kebabs thanks to Ty and his news articles (retaliation for the new smoking research I sent him, which shows heart diseases have declined since the UK brought in the smoking ban).
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Lost in Translation
***World Time Zones: 22 funny translation mistakes***
These made me laugh. And these are only mistakes using words. Its no wonder human beings get themselves into so much crap! Enjoy.
Japanese hotel room - You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid
Paris hotel elevator - Please leave your values at the front desk
Tokyo hotel - It is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not a person to do such a thing is please not read this notice
Bucharest hotel - The list is being fixed for the next day. During this time you will be unbearable
Leipzig elevator - Do not enter the lift backwards, and only when lit up
Athens hotel - Visitors are expected to complain at the office between the hours of 9 and 11am daily
Belgrade elevator - To move the cabin, push button for wishing floor. If the cabin should enter more persons, each one should press a number of wishing floor. Driving then going alphabetically in national order.
Sarajevo hotel - The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid
Moscow hotel - You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and Soviet composers, artists and writers are buried daily except Thursday
Swiss menu - Our wines leave you nothing to hope for
Hong Kong tailors shop - Ladies may have a fit upstairs
Bangkok dry cleaners - Drop your trousers here for best results
Paris dress shop - Dresses for street walking
Rhodes tailor shop - Order your summer suit. Because is big rush we will execute customers in strict rotation
Hong Kong advert - Teeth extracted by the latest methodists
Rome laundary - Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time
Swiss mountain inn - Special today... no ice cream
Copenhagen airline - We take your bags and send them in all directions
Moscow hotel - If this is your first visit to the USSR, you are welcome to it
Norwegian lounge - Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar
Tokyo shop - Our nylons cost more than common but they are better for the long run
Acapulco hotel - The manager has personally passed all the water served here
Saturday, 5 September 2009
The Race issue
***Double Standards***
Why is it that Italian Vogue was allowed to print a 'groundbreaking' issue last year which only featured black models without anyone really saying a word about it...but if they were to do an issue featuring only blonde, white models (and marketing it as such) there would be a huge race outrage?
This has always bothered me. For all those who spout equality, hundreds of years after slavery was abolished why is it that race is still such a huge issue? I mean, take Oprah for example...most of what she does is championing black causes...isn't this racist? Ok I get that maybe in the US the race issues between black and white is so much bigger than in Europe (who have other conflicts such as Turks in Germany, Roma gypsies in Italy, etc), but really these separation mentalities are as good as reverse apartheid.
Oh and another thing. For even the most liberal of people, dating outside ones own race is often frowned upon...Season 3 of Sex and The City where Samantha is dating a cute black record industry guy and her 'friend', his sister warns her off him saying she doesn't want her only brother to date a white woman.
Take another example. I was in Woolworths before it closed down one or two years ago and was in the queue to pay for some stationary. This was in Hackney. I heard one girl say to another, "you can't buy Vogue, because there aren't any black models in it and all the powerful people behind the magazine are white". My thoughts were WTF??!!! Never would a 'white' person be allowed to voice this opinion out loud without shit hitting the fan!
It's all pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Its perfectly acceptable to me to use the differences in upbringing, values, education and culture as a point of difference but the colour thing is BS. Take the South Africa view that many black people outside the country possess. Yes, there was apartheid and actually it wasn't around for very long but even so, its over now yet people see all white South Africans are racist. From what I saw over the course of about a year in Johannesburg at least (ok Durban is!) is mixed groups of friends of all ages, met white people who fought for the end of apartheid and are members of the ANC...and you know what else I saw? Business rules which say you have to hire X number of black people for every white person in your company. Sure, whites there are a minority so in theory this may make sense. The reality is that when I walked into an office to get a holiday visa extension, the lawyer woman was white and there were 10 black women in the office doing absolutely nothing because there was nothing to do. Their job? To go into the CBD (which many white people are afraid to go because of the crime rates there - lots of Nigerian drug dealers, guns, etc.) and queue up to get a stamp in a passport. Also, you actually get asked your race on job application forms as a compulsory question! Now is that reverse discrimination or what? Whatever happened to talent or actual skills?
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Its 70 years to the day that a German battleship fired the first shot on a Polish fort in 1939 whilst the first invasions took part in the east, west and south of Poland. Two days later, Britain and France declared war on Germany. And we know how it all ends.
But exactly how far have with come in the last 70 years? There's food for thought.
(Source: BBC, 01/09/09)
Autumn is on its way
People are often asked: 'What's your favourite season?', and I've never really been able to decide. Does this make me indecisive? I don't know, but then I think every season has its advantages. I like Spring because its my birthday then, its an often quiet time of year with no other big birthdays I know around then, Easter, and although it usually rains you can also smell this whole renewal thing going on in the air. The birds fly back north, the other animals are coming out of hibernation, there are cute little ducklings out on the pond, and there are bright yellow daffodils everywhere. Spring also means the next season is Summer...something to look forward to. Kind of like the 'It's Friday!'-feeling. I don't like Sundays, because its the day before Monday. Its been a great summer in London this year with perfect weather but some people don't like it. Warm weather makes it harder to get things done, there's all the extra grooming requirements for girls and the pressure that some people put themselves under to get into skimpy summer outfits. But everyone appears happier, smiling and are wearing brighter clothes which seems to have a knock-on effect.
Autumn means Winter. And this year there is no 'back to school' either. I'm all for the pretty colours of the leaves and I don't mind cold weather, but I don't like rain and cold, unless its been desert-like for days. Oh, and the grey gloom that settles over London. That's depressing although very productive for work...if one has a job. The black clothing comes out and people are hit with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). But Winter also means lots of birthdays and the festive season - Christmas (food and presents!) and New Years Eve (parties). Additionally, there's nothing better than staying home on the weekends curled up in bed or with a movie/book when its rubbish outside.
The sun has just come back out. Its not over til its over I say!
Latest Research
(Source: BBC, 01/09/09)
Two things I find shocking here:
1) Switzerland and the least exercise - aren't the Swiss supposed to be healthy with all their good food, clean air, and non-confrontational politics? Most of us would relate exercise to good health. Maybe they're just too comfortable to work out!
2) New Zealand and their high suicide rates - possibly due to boredom and isolation? But seriously you would have rather assumed Japan or Finland to be in this category. Shocking when ages are taken into account.